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Grading Obama on conservation: a review of 2009 policy accomplishments

When Obama and the Democrats won big in 2008, the conservation movement emerged from the dark ages of the Bush Era with hopes for a policy renaissance. Now that 2009 has passed, we consult with 6 leading conservation groups about their view of the past year. Each organization gave input on what they saw as 2009 policy achievements and shortcomings...

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The impact of beach grooming on coastal habitat

A new study from Southern California affirms that the long-standing management practice of beach grooming is contributing to the loss of coastal strand habitat. Coastal strand plant communities grow along the edge of the high tide line and are comprised largely of endemic species adapted to grow in the dynamic, environment of loose, shifting sand...

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Adding trout to mountain lakes disrupts food supply for birds


Prioritizing land preservation: a GIS approach

For organizations that protect land by purchasing property (or the underlying development rights), a simple but harsh reality reins: Land is expensive. Money is limited. So you have to spend wisely. In this regard, a new study may help land conservationists identify the highest priority properties for preservation...

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The risk of exotic reptile imports invading Florida

The recent explosive growth in the exotic reptile trade in Florida has raised serious concerns about species establishing in the wild and causing harm to ecosystems and human safety. To help us understand which exotic reptiles pose the greatest threat, researchers have identified risk factors that make certain species more likely to invade...

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Weird science: top conservation studies of 2009

As 2009 has passed us by, we profile some of the interesting, unique, and downright bizarre studies that have come out in the past year in the world of conservation science (and related disciplines)...

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Predicting forest beetle outbreaks


Conceding extinction: a look at rare birds

When do you throw in the towel and concede that a rare species has gone extinct? A new study presents a methodology for helping conservationists answer this difficult question...

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Finding patterns in wildlife attacks on domestic livestock


Protected areas lead to long term transformation of marine ecosystems

Results from a new study in Australia affirm the ability of "no take" marine protected areas to aid the recovery of overfished ecosystems. Researchers found that the reefs within three marine protected areas off eastern Tasmania transformed over time into communities not otherwise seen in the regional seascape, and these changes intensified for at least 16 years...

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