New conservation books: May 2010
Every month we profile the latest interesting books that have been published in conservation and related fields. Our goal is to keep you updated about the newest titles. Happy reading!
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Every month we profile the latest interesting books that have been published in conservation and related fields. Our goal is to keep you updated about the newest titles. Happy reading!
Every month we profile the latest interesting books that have been published in conservation and related fields. Our goal is to keep you updated about the newest titles. Happy reading!
In the early 1970s, Cynthia Carey was writing her doctoral dissertation on boreal toads when a mysterious bacteria contaminated the Colorado population she was studying. Soon, she could only find dead carcasses. What she assumed was a strike of bad luck and a strictly local phenomenon was in fact occurring all over the more
edited by Brian R. Silliman, Edwin D. Grosholz, and Mark D. Bertness
University of California Press, 2009, 432pp
Reviewed by Rob Goldstein
by Callum Roberts
Island Press, 2007, 495 pp.
Reviewed by Rob Goldstein
by Ronald D. Quinn and Sterling C. Keeley
University of California Press
September, 2006, 323 pp.