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Extreme conservation: constructing new habitat in ecological wastelands

Danger sign at entrance to an abandoned mine in Arizona. Credit, Paul Fitzhugh.For severely degraded areas like abandoned mines and industrial wastelands, restoring the landscape back to its former natural state can be extremely difficult.

Frequently, these sites have been so dramatically altered that restoration requires intensive efforts like the remediation of pollution, landscape reconfiguration through geoengineering, and the introduction of new topsoil, subsoil, and plants.

Given that these methods can be extremely expensive and still may not achieve success, researchers have proposed an alternative approach that involves constructing new ecosystems that are adapted to the extreme environments of these sites.

Paul Richardson from the University of Guelph and fellow scientists tested the approach on the floor of a long-abandoned limestone quarry in Ontario where only sparse vegetation had been growing. They published their findings in the journal Ecological Applications.

The researchers were able to successfully establish plant species found on natural limestone pavements called alvars - a rare ecosystem that occurs naturally in other parts of the Great Lakes region.

With few inputs and little effort, the researchers were able to double species richness after three years and establish plant communities that resembled natural alvar systems.

The idea behind the approach is that for many degraded sites, analogous ecosystems with similar physical conditions exist naturally, and the species inhabiting these extreme environments have adapted over time to these conditions.

So even though these ecosystems would not have historically occurred at the degraded sites, constructing them there would be more likely to establish a highly functional biotic community and would cost much less than trying to restore what existed pre-disturbance.

Another benefit is that this type of habitat construction can help conserve the biodiversity of threatened ecosystems. The species inhabiting naturally occurring extreme environments like alvars are generally highly specialized to tolerate the harsh conditions and therefore are found in few other locations.

In their experiment, the scientists were able to establish regionally restricted and threatened species like Iris lacustris, Solidago ptarmicoides, and Liatris cylindracea.

Amazingly, once planted, these species were able to establish despite the harsh condition of the quarry floor where temperatures can reach 68 degrees C in hot weather, and normal weather patterns can lead to flooding, prolonged inundation, and intense drought.

The authors conclude, " sites that are extremely difficult to restore because of stringent abiotic filters may be successfully and efficiently colonized by species that naturally fit the ‘‘mesh’’ of such filters." 

Furthermore, establishing degraded-state analogous plant communities "can promote ex-situ biodiversity conservation within difficult to restore anthropogenic wastelands."

--by Rob Goldstein

Richardson, P., Lundholm, J., & Larson, D. (2010). Natural analogues of degraded ecosystems enhance conservation and reconstruction in extreme environments Ecological Applications, 20 (3), 728-740 DOI: 10.1890/08-1092.1

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  • Response
    Response: 春藥哪裡買
    鴉片戰爭以后 犀利士(cialis 犀利士(cialis) ) 夏桀后來就死在商湯的手上。 威而剛 威而剛的副作用 的副作用 他的兒子和老婆們,為避開商湯的迫害,離鄉背井,逃到北方的大漠,跟隨牛羊四處漂泊,后來竟繁衍出許多子孫來,被戰勝的商人和后來的周人稱為匈奴無獨有偶,相似的故事還發生在羅馬人身上。 只有4歲的三女兒并沒有死去 犀利士 30粒,夜里還在哭喊著爸爸媽媽,但敵人封鎖了山路,沒人能來救她,最終喊聲越來越弱 犀利士 購買,她在極度痛苦中永遠 犀利士 30粒 閉上了眼睛敵人攻山時,馮毅之和戰友就在不遠處的一個山頭,遙望著馬鞍山,但為了保
  • Response
    Response: 威而鋼功效
    提個速超個車 我的建議是你準備去到這個州的時候最好是先了解了解 樂威壯售價 當地的法律。曾經有同學發帖說加州的油價很高由此得出結論美國的油價也不便宜,這是幼稚地。 但是,《斯雷布雷尼 威尔刚 是什么 察大屠殺十周年祭》一文因為種種原因被中途擱置了。這主要是由于:前南斯拉夫戰爭是個非常復雜的問題,本人對這次戰爭的很多看法和觀點至今仍然處于自相矛盾之中 樂威壯售價。 新加坡《聯合早報》稱,施維爾選擇在15日聯合國國際民主日前夕發表這篇文章,闡述他認為過渡至普選符合香港最佳利益的理由。此前,英國外交大臣黑格曾在7 威而剛 犀利士 樂威壯 月

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