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Hockey moms beware: foraging black bears prefer minivans

Good intentions, terrible impact. Roadside feeding of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Yosemite has likely modified their foraging behavior leading to increased human-bear confilcts.Say you're a hungry black bear in Yosemite National Park. You have a whole campground of cars for the pickings. What do you go for? The luxary sedan, the SUV, a Prius?

Well, researchers with the National Park Service and the USDA were wondering that very question. So they conducted a study of black bear break-ins at Yosemite. As it turns out, in the world of black bears, the minivan is top choice.

The percentage of break-ins for SUV's (22.5%), small cars (17.1%), trucks (11.9%), vans (4.2%), sports cars (1.7%), coupes (1.7%), and station wagons (1.4%) were all on target based on their relative makeup in the park. But minivan break-ins, which clocked in at a whopping 29% of the total, were more than four times higher than predicted (7%). Meanwhile bears tended to avoid sedans - only 14% of the break-ins were sedans even though they made up 28% of the cars in the park. So what motivates black bears in choosing cars?

The researchers state:

Black bears forage selectively to balance energetic and nutritional gains with foraging costs. Selection of minivans by bears in Yosemite National Park was the likely consequence of efforts to maximize caloric gain and minimize costs by targeting vehicles with higher probabilities of payoff.

In other words, bears are smart. There's a risk to breaking into cars. Park employees patrol the campgrounds nightly. So bears quickly learn to target the types of cars that are most likely to give the biggest payoff with the least amount of difficulty.

So what makes minivans so attractive to bears? The researchers offer several possible explanations:

  • It is possible that minivans are more likely to emit food odors regardless of whether they contained meaningful amounts of food available. Minivans are designed for families with children and small children in particular are notorious for spilling food and drink while riding in vehicles.
  • Perhaps passengers of minivans are more prone to leave large caches of food (e.g., coolers or grocery bags) in vehicles parked overnight.
  • It could be that minivans are structurally easier to break into than other vehicles. Observations indicate that bears entering minivans typically did so by popping open a rear side window and it seems that this was easier for minivans compared to other vehicle classes.
  • Selection of minivans could reflect the foraging decisions of a few individuals that learned how to break into minivans. Anecdotal evidence indicates that most of the break-ins resulted from a maximum of 5 bears.

This research is particularly timely. Bear-human conflicts is not just a parks issue. As development pushes farther out into natural habitat, interactions between wildlife and humans are increasingly leading to negative consequences for both people and bears. Understanding how wildlife behaves in the face of human development helps us lessen these conflicts.

 --Reviewed by Rob Goldstein

Breck, S., Lance, N., & Seher, V. (2009). Selective Foraging for Anthropogenic Resources by Black Bears: Minivans in Yosemite National Park Journal of Mammalogy, 90 (5), 1041-1044 DOI: 10.1644/08-MAMM-A-056.1

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    Great Web page, Maintain the very good job. Many thanks!
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    Hockey moms beware: foraging black bears prefer minivans - Conservation News - Conservation Maven
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    Hockey moms beware: foraging black bears prefer minivans - Conservation News - Conservation Maven
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    Response: 犀利士 買
    因為孕婦的體質特殊 天津北方網訊:西青區辛口鎮、王穩莊鎮積極推廣種植優質小麥,科學實施田間管理,今夏小麥喜獲豐收近年來,辛口鎮開展了小麥新品種的引進 威而鋼 用途 、繁育、篩選鑒定和推廣工作 威而鋼 用途,推廣津農6、倉麥6005等新品種新技術10多項次,推廣小麥良種120萬斤。 生活是 犀利士 包裝 最好的編劇!其實真實生活里的拐賣現象遠比電影展現的要震撼而深刻,每次我看到路邊乞討的小孩,甚至在大排檔凌晨還在賣花的小朋友,惻隱之心都會瑟瑟作響,不由自主地會痛斥暗中觀察他們的人販子多么慘無人道,但除了痛斥我們還能 犀利士 網購 做
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    Response: 犀利士 discuss
    天地星辰日月如同永恒 犀利士 樂威壯 威而鋼 異地見老鄉,格外親切,后來我們分配到一個專業一個班,同窗6年,成為最要好的學友。1964年 犀利士 樂威壯 威而鋼,全國高校錄取15萬新生。 犀利士 使用方法 此外,患有某些疾病如營養不良、佝僂病等,可使腸管功能失調,腹肌軟弱或麻痹,也可出現便秘癥狀。 嬰幼兒一般每天1 犀利士 使用方法 2次大便,便質較軟,若兩到三天不解大便,而其他情況良好,有可能是一般的便秘。 這本1979年版《格列佛游記》,書頁已經有些發黃,是葉開上大學中文系時的讀物。女兒先前已經讀過兩遍了 威而剛 價格 ,如今又讀
  • Response
    Response: 高雄外送茶
    起碼在中國社會 高雄一夜情 很重要 高雄一夜情 熱心的奶奶第二天就去了那個寺廟問主持,這件事情我記憶特別深刻 台中一夜情 台中一夜情 ,那天剛好是星期五。我讓主持給在寺里點了盞燈,以后就沒事了。 因為它屬于高熱量、高蛋白、高纖維食物 桃園外送茶,可以增加飽腹感,也就是通常所說的“比較抗餓”。據研究,花生引起的飽腹感是其他高碳水 桃園外送茶 化合物食物的5倍,吃花生后就可以相對減少對其他食品的需要,降低身體總熱量的汲取 台版 威而剛,從而達到減肥效十、花生與胃病治療。 根據數字顯示,在遇難的地點,方圓4英里的范圍內,5年
  • Response
    Response: 台中一夜情
    他自己也充滿期待 ”說罷就將火珠投入張氏懷中而去。張氏頓覺自己赤光耀體,懷孕12個月,才產下溫瓊。溫瓊自幼靈慧,7歲時就習法為罡,14歲能通佛道經 犀利士 半顆 典,19歲后他立志為民 高雄援交 除暴 犀利士 半顆,但屢試不第,總是名落孫山。 他說了他擺攤的位置,就在就業街 高雄援交。那條街是這座城市里最繁榮的地方,四周店鋪齊全,餐飲什么的一路過起碼有十幾間 高雄外送茶。當然最有特色的還是街道中央位置的就業街顧名思義,這里是失業的人再就業的地方,所以這里是擺攤的集中地 高雄外送茶,每一個人都會有固定的位置。這 高雄外送茶 些
  • Response
    Response: 高雄一夜情
    可以體現出息屏美學 病毒存在于病人的呼吸道中,在病人咳嗽、打噴嚏時經飛沫傳染給別人。流感的傳染性很強, 高雄一夜情 由于這種病 台中一夜情 毒容易變異,即使是患過流感的人,當下次再遇上流感流行 高雄一夜情,他仍然會感染,所以流感容易引起暴發性流行。 李師師在《水滸傳》中的首場秀,以不可方物的驚艷震撼眾人,以平易近人的熱情感動眾人 台中一夜情,以柔情似水的溫柔俘獲眾人,讓老成的宋江 高雄援交,瀟灑的柴進,機敏的燕青,吃素的戴宗都有了不同程度的小鹿亂撞。 是否有別的選擇?按現行法律,窩藏包庇有罪,知情不報可 高雄援交 無
  • Response
    Response: 樂威壯 時間
    你要改變計劃中的什么東西 通過市場調研、座談討論、監管通報等方式,加強信息溝通,聽取意見建議 樂威壯真偽 ,指導轉型創新,并向有關部門建言獻策,擴大創新發展空間。 人們減肥時只注重減掉“皮下脂肪” 樂威壯真偽,而忽視了“內臟脂肪”。因為皮下脂肪顯然易見 台中外送 台中外送茶 茶,只要囤積一點就會引起愛美女性的注意,馬上將其消除。而內臟脂肪隱藏得深,有的體型偏瘦的人也會內臟脂肪多,所以內臟脂肪很容易被人們所忽視2、飲食不均衡 出云洞在后土夫人廟的不遠處山腰,晴日郎郎,洞口寂靜,陰雨來臨,洞口便游出縷縷白云 台北外送茶 ,

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